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        1 - Maxine Greene's Public Space: Beyond the Walls of the Standard Education
          Bakhtiar  Shabani Varaki Tahereh Javidi Kalateh Jafarabadi  
        The main purpose of this article is the representation of Maxine Greene views about public space and its major potentials for the rethinking of the educational behavior in schools. Thus, first of all, this idea is emphasized that public spaces are important places for d More
        The main purpose of this article is the representation of Maxine Greene views about public space and its major potentials for the rethinking of the educational behavior in schools. Thus, first of all, this idea is emphasized that public spaces are important places for discussion (for dialog) and a free exchange of ideas and information, through which an individual human being can make his voice heard, while at the same time listening to other individuals’ voices, without being bothered by any fear and threat arising from a wide range of human contradictions, differences, conflicts and ambiguities that are inherent in human communication. Second, along with describing and criticizing the educational space governing the current schools, based on Greene ideas, it is demonstrated that the public space can provide new contexts for going beyond educational standards, and thus may secure grounds for the realization of agency, freedom, democracy and a shared world in the education of learners. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Critical Discourse Analysis of the Peace in Afghanistan Education Based on The Constitution of the Islamic Republic Period
        alishah fayegh Ramazan Barkhordari Alireza mahmmudnia
        In the current study, the problem of peace in the education of Afghanistan, based on the official documents of Islamic Republic period has been analyzed. But because the use of language has different complexities and is related to external areas, this study has used the More
        In the current study, the problem of peace in the education of Afghanistan, based on the official documents of Islamic Republic period has been analyzed. But because the use of language has different complexities and is related to external areas, this study has used the method of critical discourse analysis according to Fairclough's approach along with considerations of Laclau and Mouffe. The main source of this analysis is the document of The Constitution of Afghanistan in the period of the Islamic Republic. At the same time, other authoritative documents and texts have been used to develop and deepen the analysis. The result obtained from this analysis shows that the official documents do not have a single discourse; rather, they contain various discourses without having a specific central signifier, in the form of a discourse order. The most important discourses identified in these documents consist of "Islamism", "democracy", "racism", and "nationalism", which are formed around the main signifiers of "Islam", "people", "race" and "nation". This multiplicity of discourses causes the construction of the identity of peace in the documents to be composed of various signifiers and multiple and incoherent constructs, that cannot be actualized because of the antagonism involved among these signifiers and constructs, consequently, it does not fulfill peace education. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Exploration and evaluation of the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia's educational theory: a view from the perspective of the Islamic approach of action
        narges sajadeh Zahra Saberi
        The current research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of benefiting from one of the popular pre-primary educational approaches in the world, by exploration the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia educational theory and evaluating it More
        The current research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of benefiting from one of the popular pre-primary educational approaches in the world, by exploration the philosophical foundations of Reggio Emilia educational theory and evaluating it based on the Islamic theory of action. In this regard, applying the method of conceptual analysis, linguistic analysis, and regressive logical analysis, we have deduced the basic components of the philosophical foundations of this theory and criticized them based on the Islamic theory of action. One of the results of this research is the inference of twelve philosophical components as the anthropological, epistemological, and axiological foundations of this theory, including the uniqueness and decency of children and the value of their intellectual and practical independence. In addition, the theory of Reggio Emilia has adopted a social constructivist approach to knowledge and has focused on the value of justice and democracy as its governing spirit. The results of evaluation suggest that while the Reggio Emilia educational theory has unique attributes and valuable educational advancements, it is necessary to have a careful scrutiny about it and resolve its challenging aspects before its implementation. Criticisms of this kind entail: taking a reductive approach and oversighting the spiritual essence of the child; an overly simplistic and idealistic portrayal of the child; a lack of clarity regarding realism versus constructivism, alongside potential risks of radical relativism in epistemology; as well as deficiencies in accommodating absolute and conditional values alongside the variable values in the axiological realm. To address these concerns, a reconstructive approach could entail: acknowledging an overlap relation between the spiritual and the physical dimensions, taking a balanced view on the child, positioning realism as a focal point while constructivism orbiting around it, emphasizing both absolute and conditional values, and maintaining a balanced emphasis on rationality and equity in democracy. Manuscript profile